Reminder about Arrival Times for Weekday
Wednesday noon is earliest arrival and when casual check in starts.
5pm on Wednesday is soft Lay On. We will not gather in the Inn for any announcements for weekday lLay On.
Friday Lay On is at 10pm at the Inn as usual. Sunday Lay Off is at 2pm.
For any kitchen use, please check with on-duty bar staff or Officers if there is nobody at the bar. Please remember to clean up after yourselves.
Due to statewide and local conditions, there is currently a stage three fire ban in place for Northern NJ. This means that the only permissible means of cooking food outside is in an elevated gas, propane, or electric grill. All campfires and charcoal grills are NOT permitted at this time.
Please bring any food trash up to the Inn or dumpster regularly; bears have recently been coming to the Inn in search of delicious leftover food, and we’d like not to have them as guests at our game.
Weekday ONLY: Gathering Components (for base list crafting components)
During the weekday event, gathering will continue with small modifications: You will gather as per usual, with normal limits (6 total per weekday event, 3 at a time). Instead of coming to logistics, please bring your gathering to one of our roving logistics coordinators. Instead of rolling a die during the week, you will receive a static quantity of 25 components for each gathering. Our roving logistics coordinators will be James, Alice, and Nick C. If we add any other roving logistics coordinators, they will be noted on the whiteboard in logistics!
We are testing a new way to make sure people can get their cleanup done in a timely and convenient way! At check in, you will be able to select one of three cleanup times: Friday noon (available WITL only), Saturday 6pm, or Sunday 2pm (lay off). None of these will have a maximum number of people, so choose what works best for you and your departure schedule. For Friday noon and Saturday 6pm, come to the kitchen and you will be assigned a cleanup task. If you would prefer to do cleanup on Sunday after lay off, you don't need to do anything other than at usual games, but we hope this option will help players who plan to leave early no longer need to try and find James or an Officer to get a clean up on Saturday night or Sunday morning before lay off.
Community Manager Announcement: Community Food Drive
Last call for our can and non perishable food drive! Proceeds go to a local charity in Sparta! You will receive 1.5x the normal donation rewards and you may place your items in bins in logistics.
Exalted Team Reminder
Please ensure that you are sober for all of your Exalted Lessons. Even lessons during the week portion may involve combat so this is required for safety. The Exalted Lesson schedule for those who are learning can be found here:
Rules Team Reminder
Just a friendly reminder from the rules marshals of the following stipulations of the exalted lists.
Any player who receives a rules violation will be barred from continuing to learn their exalted classes for 3 months. Further infractions will result in the skills being removed.
Due to the enormous scope of the rules, and the sheer amount of classes in the system, we know there may be some mechanical exploits. A player may find certain mechanics will work in a way that creates a possible infinite loop, or otherwise is exploitative of the rules. Our answer to this is very straightforward: Do not exploit it. We know there are exploits within the rules, but we are telling you to not explore them, or we will remove the classes and skills. If you exploit and continue to exploit any of these mechanics rules violations will be issued and exalted skills removed from player cards.
Helpful Reminders
New Jersey grocery stores don’t provide plastic bags anymore, if you’re coming from out of state!
All our Week in the Life policies can be found here: