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September Online Announcements

Writer: Talaniel StarlingTalaniel Starling

Arrival Reminder:

Check in begins at 6pm.

Lay on is at 10pm.

Lay off is at 2pm on Sunday.

Saturday Camp Cleanup:

If you are leaving before lay off or want to get your camp cleanup done early, meet Alice at the Inn Kitchen between 6 and 6:30pm on Saturday for a mid-game assignment.


Many of our players, marshals, and staff also work for the Sparta New Jersey Ren Faire, which starts running September 9 and ends on September 24. During these few weeks we ask that you have some extra patience with between-event requests for any of our teams while they may have more on their plates than usual!

In fact - in general, please remember to treat our volunteers and marshals with the kindness and patience that you would hope be extended to yourself.

Some sleeping spaces may have different space managers than usual this event; look at the sleeping spaces assignments and feel free to reach out with any questions.

Bat Reminder

There are bats currently living in the rafters of the Barn. We're working on evicting them into fancy new bat condos that we’re putting up, but until then leave don't leave anything in the main room of the Barn.

New Player Training and Tour

New player training is at 7:15pm Friday under the tent out by the inn and there will be a new player combat/tour mod at 11am Saturday for first time players.

Card Notes for September:

-If you are a Patreon member, please make sure your billing information stays up to date. If you get a new credit/debit card don't forget to update that in Patreon!

-READ YOUR CARD NOTES. Please. Just read them from time to time. That is one of our primary ways of letting you know something's up with your character, and for the teams to give you information.

-We encourage you to take photos of your card(s) after an event before turning them in! If there is an issue, it helps both you and us resolve it in a timely manner.

-Reminder that when casting a ritual--whether on you or someone else--it needs to be written on your/their character card. Use the lined space on the back of the card. And if you use a ritual that was put on you, cross it out or otherwise mark it as used. Longer-lasting rituals will be added to character notes, and you are responsible for marking those off as necessary.

-Your full IRL name should be in the Card System. This is important if we need to find your information for emergency purposes. It should be the name you are commonly known in the community by, but does not need to be a legal name.

Reminders from the Atmosphere Team this month!

-Roleplay your combat and sell your blows. It makes combat more fun for everyone.

-Please stay in character. If for some reason you need to go out of game, please do so away from other players as to not impact their immersion and gameplay. Please do not interrupt a scene for an OOG comment unless its necessary.

- Please do not openly use your phone. We get that there are times when you may need to check the time or check a rule, but please try to do these checks with your phone under a table or away from other players. We have noticed a severe uptick in this with the new exalted rules.

- Please be mindful of your trash.

Lore Announcements

Lore team has office hours Sunday from 10 am to lay off, this is a great time to come and ask about various lore questions, backstory questions, notes on cards, etc etc.

Card approval and backstory approval are not the same, and are handled separately.

Gathering System

To collect components you must complete 30 seconds of roleplay per component collected up to a total of 30 components per gathering (15 mind of rp). We ask that you roleplay what you're gathering! For example - for floral maybe you're collecting flowers or twigs from a nearby bush. For mineral perhaps you're collecting and breaking open rocks for specific minerals, etc.

We ask that you have fun with it while we work on a more complete system!

Logistics Announcements

As well, if you have an abundance of physical coins, Logistics is very low on coins and would be super grateful for some to be returned and added to your bank accounts. So if you have a ton, please consider bringing some back to logistics

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© 1997 - Present Day by James C, Kimball 

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