Earliest arrival is 12pm.
Check in begins at 6pm.
Lay on is at 10pm.
Lay off is Sunday at 2pm.
New Player Training will be under the white tent outside the Inn at 7:30 pm, Friday Night. This is a mandatory training that should only take 20ish minutes to go over important safety elements of the game. Players will need to be signed off on their character card after they attend. Do not stress over needing to be there at exactly 7:30! If you cannot get to camp for whatever reason, or you just happen to be running a little late, not to worry, a CM can give you a makeup training whenever it is deemed best. 10:30 am Saturday morning will be the easiest time for this. Your card will still be signed off. If you do not have your character card yet by the time training starts, that is also ok! So long as we get to sign off on it at some point throughout the weekend will do! Once we go over safety you are free to leave, however you may stay to ask questions and have a bit more explaining mechanics wise about out game! Anyone not attending new player training, try to stay clear of the area, as interruptions only make things take longer.
At 11am Saturday morning, there will be a tour for new players. Meet at the Inn by 10:45 am and your tour guide will get you. Expect combat tailored to your level! We ask that if any vets brining in a new character wants to attend the tour, you may in order to have that rp experience with other newer towns folk, but try to leave combat to the first time players.
Parking at Logistics
At this time, the only people authorized to park in the area behind or next to logistics are with direct permission from the Director, or the Officers, Safety Lead, Weekend Event Runner, and Exalted Team. Anyone else cannot leave their cars parked in that area.
Please do not park in front of the door/garage door to the area under the barn, or you will be parked in.
Early Camp Cleanup
If you are leaving early (before lay off) and need cleanup assignments, please see the Logistics Marshals. They will be able to assign you tasks to complete. Please do not see them for early cleanup if you will still be on camp at lay-off on Sunday at 2pm, and instead come to lay-off to get your assignment.
Rules Announcements and Updates
Rules Updates
Characters will now only pause learning Exalted Skills if they unlearn a Master Class in favor of learning a new one. Details can be found in the General Exalted Mechanics document ( in the Prerequisites section.
Venom Strike
This exalted skill has been updated from 30 to 40 damage.
This skill has been updated from “50 feet in any direction” to “25 feet away from the character.
The Tevvyxian Exalted Artifact ability has had its wording changed slightly
Tide Devourer - Fury of Triton
The Tide Devourer Legendary Passive has been updated for clarity in that the character may use Darktide to nullify the effect of a spawned Aberration ONLY from the ritual failure result they would encounter when the character performs an applicable ritual.
Additionally the following line has been added to the Legendary Passive:
The character can breathe in warm or cooler water indefinitely.
Rules Reminders
You can’t follow up a Second Chance roll with another use of Second Chance. Any challenge may only be modified by this skill once by anyone.
For rituals, only the ritualist or their assistants may use Second Chance on the ritual success chance. Assistants must be declared (and factored into the roll) before rolling. However both the success chance, and failure result may each benefit from a use of Second Chance.
If anyone is found to have staged their Arrest, and/or Sentence for a crime purely for the benefit of binding the Artifact: Subterfuge Belt, they will be given an unsportsman-like violation which will remove their ability to benefit from ANY Artifact for 1 year. If you are unsure of whether or not a sentence should count for this, please contact a member of the Exalted Team before using this artifact in order to prevent the ramifications. This Artifact is meant as reward for being a good sportsman when getting caught for crimes.
Any skill that does not have the negotiation trait can, for the purposes of not accepting it, be treated as an attack. If you wish to refuse a beneficial effect, you can defend it according to its method of delivery (IE Dodge for Auto-hit or Spell Packet, Deflect if it was delivered via weapon or touch). In addition, an ability that cures a status (such as Panacea for Imprisoned while you are using Iron Body) can itself specifically be defended as if it were a status.
However, if the character does not defend a normally beneficial ability (including healing) they must accept the effect. In addition, while Incapacitated, Critical, or Dead you may not normally use skills unless explicitly stated, so you may not defend these abilities in that condition. The only exception that is acceptable in the stages of death would be if you wished to express your character’s final death and end of story to refuse healing that would restore you. Otherwise, it is important that players be allowed to use healing and other beneficial effects in a way you may find contradictory to your character’s interests.
Lastly, players are reminded that if you find yourself uncomfortable with interactions, such as the ones described here, you should use the Look Down system and Exit the scene.
Safety Announcements
As we enter the fall season be sure that you’re checking yourself for illness or any other situations that may warrant testing as per our current guidelines. You can read them here.
Safety and Health Questionnaire March 2024
Rain is expected on Saturday so please plan accordingly as the camp will likely already be a little muddy due to rain on Thursday. Additionally, the evenings are beginning to cool so be sure to bring something warm as it’s possible to chill even at these temps.
A reminder that players should be signing on and off with a Safety Team Member when they start/need to use a green headband and when they stop. This is so we can better track who should and shouldn’t be using them.
Card Announcements
As always, Card Team will be available in the Bar room from 6p-9p Friday (during check-in) to help new players with their cards. Please be respectful of our team and do not ask them for help before hours have started. If you are a regularly attending player, please try to resolve any card issues before arriving at camp (contact us on Discord) so we can focus on helping new players!
Write legibly on your card, with a dark colored pen (please no pencil!! And no neon colored pens!). If Card Team cannot read what you wrote, it will not get added to your card. If someone else signs off your card make sure they wrote legibly!!
Please try to keep your cards dry! There should be ziplocs available in logistics to store your character cards in, take and use them.
We recommend taking photos of your card before turning them in! Card team does their best, but we are only human(...ish). Photos are great for both you and us if we need to correct any mistakes.
Read your card notes!
Reminders from the Atmosphere Team this month!
-Stay in character. If for some reason you need to go out of game, please do so away from other players as to not impact their immersion and gameplay. Please do not interrupt a scene for an OOG comment unless it is absolutely necessary.
-Roleplay your combat and sell your blows. It makes combat more fun for everyone
Please do not openly use your phone. We get that there are times when you may need to check the time or check a rule, but please try to do these checks with your phone under a table or away from other players. We have noticed a severe uptick in this with the new exalted rules.
Please be mindful of your trash.