Earliest arrival is 2pm. There will be hunters in the woods at camp on Friday as it is deer reason, so please keep closely to this arrival time and stay in the main areas.
Check in begins at 6pm.
Lay on is at 10pm.
Lay off is Sunday at 2pm.
Mandatory New Player training will be either in the barn next to the Inn or under the tent, weather pending. Training starts at 7:30pm, Friday night of event. Make sure you attend to learn about the safety aspects to the game. Your character card will then be signed off to show you attended. Further training about mechanics can be had after and is optional.
It is recommended for new players when choosing an NPC shift to select from the following: Friday 10p,-2am, Sat 10am-2pm, and Sat 2pm-6pm. A community manager will be assigned to these shifts incase you run into any issues and to kind you along.
Remember to submit any favorite pictures/memories before Banquet! You might get to see them in the slide show!
Also, please remember that our staff are unpaid volunteers to the game. They take the time out of their busy lives to help create a fun and safe experience for all. Let's try to be kind and respectful to one another. If you need something pressing from a marshal or team lead, letting us know well ahead of the upcoming event really helps make sure we can get to your request in a timely manner!
Beginning right after the event and until our Out of Game Yearly Banquet on January 4, marshals will be on a holiday break! We will be creating a discord thread where you can ask questions specifically related to Banquet, cards will be updated in time to spend SP at banquet, and if you need anything else before Banquet, the Officers are your point of contact. We hope everyone has a good holiday season and end of the year!
Logistics Schedule
Hey everyone, Logistics is a little shorthanded this event so some things are going to run a little differently. During the alt portion of the event the logistics window will be 'un-manned' save for the content runners on shift. That said, any gathering you need to do for your various components for crafting, we're trusting you to roleplay the required time and you will not need component cards for your crafting during the alt portion of the event. For banking needs and for turning in the named clothespins, you will be asked to see your faction leader to rectify those transactions. Logistics will open back up for normal duties after main-mod at around 10pm and will be unmanned again at 2am. The Sunday morning shift from 9am-1pm will run as normal.
Thank you very much for your patience and understanding during the event.
Parking at Logistics
At this time, the only people authorized to park in the area behind or next to logistics are with direct permission from the Director, or the Officers, Safety Lead, Weekend Event Runner, and Exalted Team. Anyone else cannot leave their cars parked in that area.
Please do not park in front of the door/garage door to the area under the barn, or you will be parked in.
Early Camp Cleanup
If you are leaving early (before lay off) and need cleanup assignments, please see the Logistics Marshals. They will be able to assign you tasks to complete. Please do not see them for early cleanup if you will still be on camp at lay-off on Sunday at 2pm, and instead come to lay-off to get your assignment.
Lost and Found is in a black bin on the bottom shelf underneath the masks. Please collect anything you may believe is yours! After this month, the bin will be emptied.
Cards Announcements:
Make sure to submit your alt event character before Friday! If you create your PC ahead of time you get to use 60 build instead of 50!
If you still need to create/submit your alt character:
If you create your character ahead of time, you start with 60 build. You can do this by selecting the "create custom character" option on the create new character button. Enter in 60 build and build your character as normal!
Put [ALT] before the character name so we know it's for alt event!!
List what faction you character belongs to in the Character Memo!
Card Team will be available in the Bar Room during check-in to help with card issues/last minute alt prep (but please try to get those cards done before!). Please be respectful of our team and do not ask them for help before hours have started.
Write legibly on your card, with a dark colored pen (please no pencil!! And no neon colored pens!). If Card Team cannot read what you wrote, it will not get added to your card. If someone else signs off your card make sure they wrote legibly!!
All signatures on cards (bank transactions, lessons, signoffs, etc) must have the player's initials AND card number, without exception.
We recommend taking photos of your card before turning them in! Card team does their best, but we are only human(...ish). Photos are great for both you and us if we need to correct any mistakes.
Read your card notes!
(Seriously, read your card notes. This is the primary way for our teams to contact you and tell you important things. You are responsible for reading these notes and knowing what is in them.)
Reminders from the Atmosphere Team this month!
-Stay in character. If for some reason you need to go out of game, please do so away from other players as to not impact their immersion and gameplay. Please do not interrupt a scene for an OOG comment unless it is absolutely necessary.
-Roleplay your combat and sell your blows. It makes combat more fun for everyone
Please do not openly use your phone. We get that there are times when you may need to check the time or check a rule, but please try to do these checks with your phone under a table or away from other players.
Please be mindful of your trash.
Safety Announcements
It will be very cold at night so be sure to dress appropriately and stay dry, remember all cabin space is open to those who need to warm up.
Remember to mind your swings as it’s common for weapons to harden up this time of year.
There will not be Safety Team shifts for this event, you can find the numbers of present team members at Logistics or in the Marshal thread if you need assistance.