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Writer's pictureTalaniel Starling

October 2023 Online announcements

Arrival Reminder

You can be on camp as early as noon on Monday. James will sometimes be in logistics for checking in, but if you arrive and he is not there, his cellphone number can be found

Lay On, Lay Off, and Periods

  • Soft lay on starts at 2pm on Monday.

  • We will not be holding announcements. Formal lay on is 10pm, so please try to be in game/have cars offsite by then if possible, as a courtesy.

  • Periods will follow the typical schedule of any other event for the purposes of gathering, crafting, or skill use. (Reminder: the event is non-combat.)

  • Lay off is 2pm on Wednesday. Please be off of camp no later than 5pm.

  • There is no mandatory NPC shift at this event.

Schedule and Activities

Any and all activities are player-directed! Do you want to host an activity? Bobbing for apples, a meal, a party? Make a note of it here, but we also encourage you to post information in-game (via the Discord in-game channels or by posting a notice on the Inn’s notice board once you arrive!)


Logistics will be operating limited hours, and will be operating out of the side room of the Inn. The main focus of these hours will be to provide needed item cards for players to continue using their non-combat skills. No content runners will be working during this event. Logistics will be in the side room of the Inn between 12pm and 4pm on Tuesday.

For other urgent concerns, please find Alice Bryson!

Kitchen Use

No meal service will be provided at this event. If you would like to use the kitchen please be mindful to completely clean up after yourself.


You will need to complete cleanup as per any usual event, getting cabin and camp signatures. Cleanup will take place on Wednesday between noon and 3pm.

Exalted Lessons As this is a no NPC/no combat special event, please be mindful that your NPC Exalted Teachers are not being required to teach lessons. Take this time to relax and enjoy your roleplay!

Alcohol Expectations

Alcohol consumption will be allowed on camp for players over the age of 21. We encourage responsible consumption. We will not be limiting the amount of alcohol nor types of alcohol you can bring, but we reserve the right to ask you to stop consuming if your behavior is indicative of heavy intoxication. Marijuana for recreational use follows the same guidelines as we set forward for alcohol (no extreme intoxication), as well as our guidelines for smoking if applicable (please only smoke or vape in outside areas, away from building entrances and other people).

Card Notes

  • If you are a Patreon member, please make sure your billing information stays up to date. If you get a new credit/debit card don't forget to update that in Patreon!

  • READ YOUR CARD NOTES. Please. Just read them from time to time. That is one of our primary ways of letting you know something's up with your character, and for the teams to give you information.

  • We encourage you to take photos of your card(s) after an event before turning them in! If there is an issue, it helps both you and us resolve it in a timely manner.

  • Reminder that when casting a ritual--whether on you or someone else--it needs to be written on your/their character card. Use the lined space on the back of the card. And if you use a ritual that was put on you, cross it out or otherwise mark it as used. Longer-lasting rituals will be added to character notes, and you are responsible for marking those off as necessary.

  • Your full IRL name should be in the Card System. This is important if we need to find your information for emergency purposes. It should be the name you are commonly known in the community by, but does not need to be a legal name.

  • Character Card approval and Backstory approval are handled separately. Character Card approval is purely mechanical, while Backstory approval is purely roleplay.

  • Patreon membership that covers one event per month WILL cover this event.

Reminders from the Atmosphere Team this month!

  • Please stay in character. If for some reason you need to go out of game, please do so away from other players as to not impact their immersion and gameplay. Please do not interrupt a scene for an OOG comment unless its necessary.

  • Please do not openly use your phone. We get that there are times when you may need to check the time or check a rule, but please try to do these checks with your phone under a table or away from other players. We have noticed a severe uptick in this with the new exalted rules.

  • Please be mindful of your trash.

Gathering System

To collect components you must complete 30 seconds of roleplay per component collected up to a total of 30 components per gathering (15 minutes of RP). We ask that you roleplay what you're gathering! For example - for floral maybe you're collecting flowers or twigs from a nearby bush. For mineral perhaps you're collecting and breaking open rocks for specific minerals, etc.

We ask that you have fun with it while we work on a more complete system!

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