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Knight Realms Policies

Personal Conduct


Knight Realms aims to provide an environment where players and staff are treated fairly, with respect, and are free from discrimination. To this end, under no circumstances do we tolerate any discrimination, including discrimination against race, gender, sexual orientation, religion  - both blatant or under the guise of a fantasy trope.  Forms of hate speech, intolerance, or membership to a hate group are also strictly prohibited. Failure to comply with this policy will result in suspension or worse, at the discretion of the Director. 


Age Requirements for Play

Children ages 14 and above are allowed to participate in the game without direct supervision. Children between the ages of 10 and 13 are allowed to participate in gameplay if supervised at all times by a responsible adult, but cannot participate in combat. Children below age 10 are allowed on camp if supervised at all times but are not allowed to participate in gameplay.

Consent and Harassment

Auto-Consent For Skills and Opt Out

By attending this game you consent to someone touching you between your shoulder and your elbow with a light touch from their hand in order to deliver skills. You may opt out of this by telling the person with whom you are interacting. If you opt out then they will move a hand nearby your shoulder, in close approximation but without contact.


Verbal Harassment

We take player harassment very seriously and if a player is uncomfortable with how someone is speaking to them we encourage them to seek a Player Rep or Officer.  The offending party will be spoken to and either they will apologize (if requested) or we will inform you once they have been addressed.  Multiple offenses will lead to a more severe punishment. This includes both face-to-face communications and online/print communications.


Sexual Harassment and Assault

All members of our community deserve a community and larp experience free from concerns of sexual harassment, unwanted advances, unwanted sexual comments or language, or sexual assault. We ask that you bring any issues or concerns of this nature to the Player Reps, Officers, or Directors so that we can take appropriate action.

Photograph & Promotional Material

Players that attend Knight Realms may have their photograph taken during the course of events (IG or OOG) or may be filmed. Knight Realms reserves the right to use these materials for public and promotional purposes, on the official Knight Realms website, in social media, and in printed media. If you do not wish your image to be used in such fashion, you must notify the Director in writing. A reasonable effort will be made by Knight Realms to avoid use after such notification.


Intellectual Property

Any player or staff who creates content -- to include, but not limited to character histories, plot, game lore, or other written works -- upon submission, agrees to grant perpetual rights to Knight Realms Entertainment for use within any medium under the company umbrella.


Knight Realms Entertainment reserves the right to use these works however it deems appropriate, including for marketing or promotional purposes.


Smoking is permitted for adults over the legal smoking age in New Jersey. Smoking must be done outside of buildings and at least 6 ft away from any building entrance. If you look young but are old enough to smoke, carry your ID on you, because you might be asked to produce proof of your age. If a Rules Marshal asks to see ID as proof of age and you cannot provide one you will be asked to stop smoking immediately and your age will need to be proven quickly afterwards to resolve the matter. Any smoker who discards his or her cigarette butts inappropriately on the ground will receive a Written Warning.  Underage smoking will not be tolerated. Any youth player who is found smoking will be given a Rules Warning and his or her parents will be notified.


Alcohol and Drugs

Knight Realms does not permit the use of alcohol or any recreational substance, legal or illegal, on the premises of the camp during regular events with the exception of medicinal uses as prescribed by medical professionals or permitted under New Jersey state law. Any player found intoxicated or under the influence will be given a Written Warning and, at the discretion of the Directors, suspended from the game.  


At the discretion of Knight Realms staff, we may sometimes host events at which alcohol consumption is allowed, and these will be clearly advertised as such, along with specific requirements (types of alcohol, amount of alcohol per person). Underage drinking is disallowed at all times. 


General Inappropriate Behavior

Knight Realms is a PG13 game that permits unsupervised children ages 14 and up to participate, as well as supervised children ages 10-13.  Because of this, Knight Realms does not permit inappropriate behavior such as excessive cursing or inappropriate intimacy.  Knight Realms reserves the right to punish - either by a Written Warning or suspension or expulsion from the game – any personal conduct that is inappropriate in the eyes of the Director.


Out of Game Violence

Absolutely no real life violence is permitted at Knight Realms regardless of age or staff position. Anyone expressing real life physical, and in some cases verbal, violence will be immediately removed from the campsite and may be suspended  at the discretion of the Director.


Unsportsmanlike Conduct

Excessively arguing with a Marshal, failing to cooperate with Knight Realms staff, hurling epithets at other players (OOG), and other forms of personally abusive conduct that breach the spirit of sportsmanship at the game can be punished with a Verbal or Written Warning, or more severe punishment at the discretion of the Director.

Falsely Representing Authority

A person claiming to hold a position of authority at Knight Realms that they do not possess will be punished with a Written Warning. In addition, if the claim is accompanied by an attempt to induce other players to follow any command or ruling, they may be suspended at the discretion of the Director.


Rules and Atmosphere Misuse

Any player found misusing their card, whether using skills they do not possess, misusing a skill in a way the rules do not allow, or other egregious disregard for the rules may result in the receipt of a Verbal Warning or Written Warning.  Likewise, the atmosphere of the game is a high fantasy setting and so players should maintain the atmosphere appropriately.  Failing to do so may result in a Verbal Warning.


Character Cards

It is your responsibility to carry your character card or cards with you during gameplay, whether you are playing a PC or NPC. Always remember to bring your card with you to your NPC shift. 


When you leave camp, you will turn your card in at Logistics by placing it in the plastic box marked card return. When you turn your card in, the boxes for NPC Shift, Camp Cleanup, and Cabin Cleanup on the back of your card need to be signed, even if you are not required to complete these tasks. Have an Officer or James sign that you are exempt.


  • Your Logistics or Monster Marshal will be able to sign off your NPC shift.

  • The space manager of your sleeping space will be able to sign your Cabin Cleanup. This will be excused if you did not stay on site.

  • Officers will be available to assign cleanup starting after Main Mod each Saturday night and on Sunday morning. At least one Officer will be present in the Inn building between the end of Main Mod and 2am on Saturday, and from 9am-2:30pm on Sunday to manage cleanup.  You are expected to complete a task for camp cleanup even if you stay off site.


In-Game Theft & CVC Theft

Theft from NPCs is covered in our Rulebook (Pickpocketing or Stolen Item cards on pg 256). Theft from other PCs (CVC theft) is allowed of coins and gems only if left unattended, not in containers, and in a public space. Sleeping spaces are not considered public (downstairs of the Inn is public; the bedrooms are not).


We have a specific, opt-in system for CvC in-game theft using red clothespins, which is described in more detail here. We also allow pre-negotiated theft between PCs beyond these parameters, as long as it is agreed to by all parties.



Reckless Behavior

Players are responsible for their personal health and well being first and foremost. Individuals who knowingly put themselves at risk through reckless behavior will receive a Verbal Warning. Should harmful actions continue to persist, the player will receive a Written Warning.


Combat Safety

Combat in Knight Realms is a privilege all players are allowed to participate in.  Those who receive excessive complaints or fight recklessly will receive a Verbal Warning, followed by a Written Warning on their second offense.  Further offenses may result in a ban from participating in combat at the discretion of the Directors.


Wildlife Encounters

Wildlife encounters are frequent at Knight Realms events, and while the vast majority of such encounters are benign, there are animals that can be potentially dangerous that venture into the campgrounds we use. If at any time you are uncertain about whether a sound you hear in the woods is a KR player or a wild animal, you may call a hold and simply ask "Are you a wild animal?" or a question to that effect. If you are the subject of such a question, you must respond immediately and in an intelligible manner. Failure to respond to a wildlife inquiry will result in a Written Warning. Repeated Warnings of this policy may result in a suspension from the game, at the Director's discretion.


If you are NPCing or otherwise portraying a wild animal at an event, it is important to remember that there are wild coyotes in the area, and we strictly prohibit howling, as it has been cited in the past to attract them.  Those found disregarding this will be given a Verbal Warning.


In order to avoid drawing the attention of bears, coyotes, or other potentially dangerous animals, you should never leave open food in a cabin. All food must be kept in its original sealed packaging. We highly suggest taking all food-related garbage to the Inn building or to the dumpsters for disposal. Animals have very keen senses of smell and will detect the scent of food even when you cannot. Failure to comply will result in a Written Warning.


In the event that you observe a bear anywhere in the campground, you must report the sighting to a staff member as soon after the encounter as is practicable. Take your time to remove yourself from the encounter safely, and then report the encounter including time and location. 


Animals and Pets on Camp

During a regular event, the only animals that are allowed to accompany players on camp are service animals. We ask that players reach out to discuss their specific needs and requirements for their service animals prior to attending, so we can make sure to be prepared to meet their needs and the needs of other players around them.


During special events such as Week in the Life or other non-combat events, players may be permitted to bring non-service animals with them but will need to reach out to James for express permission for each event. We reserve the right to decline this request, or to disinvite a specific animal from returning if there are any issues.


We ask specifically that anyone bringing an animal onto camp during a combat-live event be mindful of keeping their animal wide of boffer combat, in order to ensure the safety of all participants and bystanders and the animal themself. Animals should never be left unattended on camp during any kind of event as we have players with various reactions to domesticated animals and want to guarantee a handler will always be present, and we have presence of both coyote and bear at times.

Fire Safety

Fires at Knight Realms, whether in a fireplace, firepit, candle, lantern, or otherwise may never be left unattended.  If at any point you must leave an area with a fire and there is no one else to leave responsible for the fire, you must put it out before leaving, even if you were not the one to start it. Torches and open flames may be used outside, but must be a minimum of five feet away from structures or hanging branches.  If conditions have forced the campground to declare a fire ban, you will be informed either at opening ceremonies or informed via social media.  Failure to comply with any of these rules will result in a Written Warning and a suspension at the discretion of the Director.


Rules Warnings 


A Knight Realms verbal warning can be given by a Marshal or Officer. A verbal warning is issued if the staff member believes that some minor type of infraction was made, even sometimes if the infraction appears to be accidental. A verbal warning is given out as a courtesy to help a player avoid receiving a written warning in the future. When a verbal warning is given, the staff member very clearly states to the player “I am officially giving you a verbal warning about this issue” likely followed with some insight or suggestions. There is no guarantee that a player will receive a verbal warning prior to receiving a written warning.



A Knight Realms written warning can be given by a Marshal or Officer and must be issued in person. A written warning is issued if the staff member believes that some type of infraction was made. A written warning is given out specifically because the staff member believes that a discussion needs to be had between the player and the Director. If a written warning is placed on a player’s card, the only person who can remove the warning is the Director, after they have spoken to the player to their satisfaction. If a marshal wishes to be present for the discussion then they must write that on the card as well. Example: *Warning (unsportsmanlike behavior - see director with marshal *Bill Smith*)


​If at the end of an event an outstanding warning is on a character card and it has not been resolved, then that character will not earn build or be able to learn skills or advance in any way until the warning is resolved through the proper channels. In this case the warning will be marked clearly on the notes section of the card with the date that it was given and any details including the reason for the warning and the character number of the person who issued the warning. For example: “Warning - Using more skills than character has - issued by #998”


Whether a written warning is present on a player's card hand written or in print because the player did not yet seek to resolve it, it is ultimately the players responsibility to have their warning addressed. If a player voluntarily goes to the Director to discuss a written warning, then upon resolution of the issue the player’s docked advancement is refunded. If the player attends 3 events with this warning and the Director has to seek them out they will only receive a portion of their docked advancement. This portion will be 25-50% of the total, to be determined at the time of the resolution by the Director.


Additional Policies

Content Advisories and Content Policy

Knight Realms Content Advisories


CvC and Living World Policy

CvC Update and Living World Content


Metagame Policy

If a player knows information about the game world, characters that exist, or events that have occurred within it, they may choose to have their character also know this information. This includes any lore posted on official Knight Realms pages, storylines run at events, information shared between players between events, and any information the player learned while playing a different character. There are two important exceptions to this rule, explained below. These exceptions are generally referred to as metagaming.


Player versus Player Activity: If a piece of information could be used to cause harm to another character, a PC may not use that information. Generally, if something is a secret in-game, such as a PC breaking the law, this rule applies. If you are unsure about a certain topic, ask the player in question if your character having that knowledge would impede their play! Additionally, if at any time you feel your character is being targeted unfairly in this way, you may ask a marshal to review another player’s actions against you.


Volunteering for the Game: If a player learned information in the course of volunteering for the game, such as playing an NPC, running or marshalling content, or writing for Knight Realms, their PC may only use that information if it was made public to other PCs or if they first obtain OOG permission from the source of the information. This ensures that volunteers can have access to all the knowledge they need without spoiling surprises to the other players.

  • Players may decide how much information their characters know about the game world.

    • A PC may have knowledge of any events that occurred in-game.

    • This does not include information that could be used in PvP.

  • If a player has portrayed multiple characters, these characters may now know each other.

    • A player may choose to have their PCs be acquaintances, friends, relatives, etc.

    • A player with multiple PCs may transfer wealth between them if they wish.


NPC Expectations & Shifts

Players on camp for less than 12 hours are not responsible for an NPC shift.

Players on camp for 12-24 hours are responsible for a two hour “short” NPC shift.

Players on camp for upwards of 24 hours are responsible for a four hour NPC shift.


NPC Expectations



Policy on Staff Favoritism and Nepotism


NPC to PC Policy

Sometimes, the story told about a plot-created NPC may end in such a way that it makes sense and adds value to everyone’s gameplay experience for that NPC to become a Player Character. This will happen only with approval from the appropriate Team Leads and/or Officers and Director, and should not be thought of as a guarantee any time that someone portrays an NPC about whom they feel strongly, regardless of the time, emotional investment, or monetary investment in gear or costuming that someone may have made into their NPC. This should be thought of as the exception and not the expectation. Each case will be individually reviewed before being approved, and this approval will not happen before the plot is concluded. If approved, the staff of Knight Realms will impose a waiting period of six months minimum between the end of the plot and when the PC may go “live” and attend events, interact online on our official Discord or Forums, or begin accruing build.


COVID and Illness Policy

2/28/23 Updated KR COVID-19 Guidelines

© 1997 - Present Day by James C, Kimball 

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