OOG Social
Place: Camp Sacajewea (844 White Lake Road Sparta NJ)
Time: 2PM Friday to 5PM Sunday
Cost: $20, +$10 for alt characters (+ option to purchase up to +5 build at $10 each.)
The Out of Game Social is a chance for the Knight Realms community and others outside the community to get together and enjoy a weekend where they can socialize, play games, have a drink, and enjoy a couple of laid back planned activities.
You will receive 5 build for attending towards a Knight Realms character, and any alts you have also purchased.
Parking works as usual with the campsite. Available spaces are in front of the Main Hall by the fence, and additional parking is available in the second parking lot next past the Ranger’s house. Parking next to Logistics is reserved for Staff only.
KR Policy
All of the KR policies extend to this event as they would to any other event. Anyone found to be breaking any policies will be punished to the same degree as of at a full weekend event.
Only adults over the age of 21 are permitted to drink. We reserve the right to cut off anyone at any time from drinking if they appear to be too intoxicated. We also reserve the right to send someone to bed or home if they become too disruptive while intoxicated.
Food will not be provided, but there are many different venues nearby you can go or order from! If you are interested in bringing food that you wish to share, you are welcome to post on the forums or community group.
Planned Activities
All planned events will be posted on the event page for any given Social.