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Legal Structure of Travance

The role of the Guardsman is to carry out the orders of their commanders and the throne of the Kingdom, uphold the laws of the Kingdom where possible, and carry out the punishments of guilty parties as directed by the courts of Kormyre.

The role of the Inquisitor is to protect the interests of the kingdom by investigating and interrogating threats to the Kingdom’s laws and peace from threats without and within. 

In the Law of Kormyre there are 4 Major Courts, anything beyond what they encompass is dealt with by the Royal Court, which is overseen strictly by the Count and higher nobility only.

The Sheriff and the Magistrate oversee the law within Travance. They are the final say on general matters of law within the barony of Travance and can only be overturned by written or verbal command from the station of Baron of Travance or higher.  The only exception to this being Noble Court where certain Lords and Ladies are afforded some say in the Judgements. 

The Courts

“Hero’s Law”

When the law is upheld through the immediate defense of a subject's privileges- such as domain, possessions, and life- by the subjects themselves. Fighting off a mugger is not assaulting the mugger. Taking your hat back from a thief is not stealing. Kicking a vagrant out of your dwelling when they refuse to leave is not assault. Incidentally killing a bandit who was trying to murder you is not truly murder. For more on this court of commons, refer to The Privileges of Kormyre.

Low Court

Crimes befitting of this Court are handled by guardsmen and inquisitors of any rank. If a Guardsman or Inquisitor witnesses a crime without question, they may carry out the punishment immediately. If there is any reasonable doubt as to their guilt they are to be brought to the High Court.

High Court

Crimes of a more egregious nature, such as those that involve the welfare of the kingdom, are directly handled by the Sheriff and/or Magistrate, which may often include more severe punishments and are decided upon through formalized and public trial.

Noble Court

The Court of the Count and the reigning nobility of Travance. When a crime is deemed to have impacted the welfare and lawful state of multiple lands by the reigning nobility- or through the accused (who is/was a subject of legal standing) invoking the Rite of Justice - the case is handled with a Noble Court trial. If the Count, The Magistrate, The Sheriff, or any 2 Lords or Ladies who believe an issue has affected multiple lands, specifically decide a case to be worthy of note, the Case is to be resolved/investigated to the pleasure of the noble court. There is little limit to what can be done to a criminal when they face the Noble Court- and wasting the court’s time with ridiculous cases is a grievous abuse of the legal system that solicits its own penalty. For this reason the Rite of Justice is all but never invoked unless the accused feels they have been clearly wronged by the lower courts sentencing, and can prove their innocence/need for clemency. Additionally it is worth noting that Abuses of the Legal System committed by Judicial Agents are overseen by this most illustrious court and, if found guilty are punished to whatever the negligence/maliciousness/incompetence severity dictates.



I: Of Nuisance

Crimes of this nature are handled by the Low Court and are considered only First Degree offenses.  Further crimes of the same nature are punished accordingly, and carry an additional fine between five and ten gold pieces.

01: Vagrancy - To be an unlodged individual who burdens others with an unwillingness to labor within their own capability.

02: Public Nuisance - Creating a public disturbance that invokes violence and turpitude from the lawful Kormyrian public without warrant or worthy cause.

03: Hindering the Law in Their Duties - An active and willful role in the obstruction of Judicial Agents in their legal duties in regards to the apprehension of criminal/foreign hostile activity.


II: Of Property

Crimes of this nature are handled by the Low Court and may be elevated to the High Court when applicable.  The crimes listed here have the appropriate degree of punishment listed for them, and further crimes of the same nature are punished accordingly, but may have further appropriate degree punishments levied against the guilty.

01: Theft - To steal the property of a lawful Subject of Kormyre.
Theft is punishable as a First Degree offense.  Further crimes of a similar nature carry additional fines levied against the guilty.

02: Vandalism - To Damage the property of a lawful Subject of Kormyre.
Vandalism is punishable as a First Degree offense, with consideration towards Second Degree should the damage exceed five hundred gold in value or cost.

03: Breaking and Entering - To, unbidden enter the dwellings of the subjects of Kormyre.
Such offenses of unlawful entry are punishable as First Degree offenses, and if accompanied by any other crime, is elevated to be considered a Second Degree offense.

04: Arson - To set fire to the property of Kormyrian structures.
The crime of Arson is to be punished as a Second Degree offense, and the cost of any valuables lost is to be paid to the victim.

05: Evading the King’s Tax - Evading trade tariffs and taxation in matters of commercial exchange whether legal or illicit.
Evading the King’s tax is punishable as a First Degree offense, with a minimum of one week's time confined to the Jails.

06: Bearing of illicit goods - Carrying stolen goods or goods deemed illicit by the Kingdom.
Bearing Illicit Goods is punishable as a First Degree offense.  Additional crimes of a similar nature carry an additional increasing fine of ten gold for repeated offenses.

07: Smuggling - To traffic or manufacture illicit goods. To Smuggle comes with the additional charge of Evading the King’s Tax.
Smuggling is punishable as a Second Degree offense and carries additional offenses as a minimum of a one hundred gold fine.

08: Counterfeiting - To circulate false currency or goods in the hopes of profit.
Counterfeiting is punishable by full seizure of all falsified currency or goods and a fine of equivalent value levied against the guilty party.

09: Dire Theft - Theft of an object deemed necessary to the safety of the kingdom, or worthy of the kingdom’s attention as determined by the members of the Nobility. Or theft of objects of value equivalent to one thousand gold or higher.
Dire Theft is punishable as a Second Degree offense with consideration to be elevated to Third Degree should the object be deemed important to the safety of the kingdom.


III: Of Violence

Crimes of this nature are handled by the High Court and all carry punishments as Third Degree offenses unless specifically noted otherwise.

01: Extortion- To, through social violences and intimidation, demand action or goods from a lawful subject of Kormyre.
Extortion is punishable as a Second Degree offense.  If the crime of Assault is also committed, it is immediately elevated to a Third Degree offense.

02: Assault- To unlawfully harm another subject of Kormyre
Assault is punishable as a First Degree offense, with further crimes of a similar nature being elevated to Second Degree, and finally Third Degree if the offense is continually repeated.  In the event of egregious or permanent harm, the crime is treated as a Third Degree offense.

03: Unwitting Murder- To incidentally cause the death of a subject of Kormyre.

04: Kidnapping- To unlawfully entrap or otherwise conceal the whereabouts of a Kormyrian subject against their will.

05: Murder-  To willfully cause the death of a subject of Kormyre. 

06: Torture/Torment- To commit gross unlawful physical/spiritual torment to a subject.

07: Defilement of a Corpse- The defilement or violation of a Subject’s body after death. Rites and religious observances are cleared and ordained exclusively through the Eodran Church’s burial standard and any ritualistic observances deemed deviant to these orthodoxies and the orthodoxies of the kingdom may be deemed as defilement.

08: Slaving - Entrapping labor of any form without pay. A high crime spurned by Valos. Sale or possession of slaves deems one a slaver. Slavers need not keep Kormyrian subjects to be deemed so abhorrent. The charges of Kidnapping, Slaving, Evading the King’s Tax, and Smuggling apply to such villains. Slavers die. There is no other judgment that does not offend the God of Justice.


IV: Of Kingdom Welfare

Crimes committed against the Welfare of the Kingdom are punished as Third Degree offenses and strictly overseen by the Noble Court and may be elevated to Fourth Degree if the court deems it appropriate during the Trial.
01: Feigning Noble or Guard Title- To falsify noble claim or legal action/rank.

02: Aiding and Abetting Enemies of Kormyre- To directly assist enemies of Kormyre in their operations against the Kingdom of Kormyre.

03: Failure to Follow a Lawful Order- Failure to follow the court orders granted by the lawful courts of Kormyre.

04: Espionage- To share kingdom intelligence with enemies of Kormyre, or as an entrusted agent to share sensitive information with foreign/domestic others.

05: Treason- To act directly against the Kingdom, in cooperation with a foreign power.

06: Abuse of the Legal System- To willfully disabuse the Kormyrian Law to assist in concealing or otherwise deceiving the kingdom in regards to one's own unlawful action.

07: Collusion with Malefic Forces: To align with the Aberrant or Ruinous powers, to the detriment of the Kingdom.




First Degree Punishments

Guardsmen of any rank may enforce the punishments of crimes committed in the First Degree.

Fines: Equivalent to double the damage done. If the property cannot be restored it is at triple the object's value. Those who cannot pay their fines can be transitioned to restitutional services. 

Jailed: For those of full common ilk- to be ferried to captivity for a duration of time determined by the court no longer than 3 months.

Stocks: To be placed in the stocks for a 10 minute period. A low punishment for vagabonds.

Restitutional services: A minor degree of assistance in resolving the initial offense, not to exceed a month’s labor, or 20gp. Any higher amount of labor or restitution requires Guard intervention.


Second Degree Punishments

In the case of crimes overseen by the Low Court, a guardsman of Sergeant Rank or Higher must give the command to issue punishments for crimes committed in the Second Degree.

Lawful Order: Given clear lawful order with the sole intent to prevent future unlawful action. This order is a specific command in relation to the crime committed, wherein the order must be followed for a minimum of one week.

Baronial Levy: The criminal is forced into service of the kingdom or of the abused for a set duration.

Criminal Brand: For compulsive repeat criminals. To be displayed clearly on a hand and displayed if requested by any lawful subject of Kormyre. The mark is a black crescent moon and is placed on the back of the criminal's dominant hand. Heroes are exempt from this punishment. 


Third Degree Punishments

Crimes of the Third Degree must be overseen by the High Court or higher, and will only be administered after a Trial for the guilty party has been concluded.  It is possible that after a trial, it may be determined that crimes of a Third Degree offense can be determined to suffer a lesser punishment.

Death by Lawful Execution: To be executed by the presiding lawful authority, or (deputized) executioner. Whether or not this is a matter of immediacy or proper execution is to be determined by the presiding lawful authority, in-line with practical necessity.

Culling Post: The criminal is to be tied to a post within Travance for One Hour. During this hour, they are considered an enemy of Kormyre and lose all rights and protections from the kingdom. They may request one subject to aid them during this hour against any who would attempt to harm them. Any who attempt to aid them besides this one individual are to be charged with Aiding and Abetting Criminals of the Kingdom.

Confinement: To be jailed for a duration as determined during the trial. Due to the nature of Special Dispensation for Heroes, the court may determine that in times of duress, a criminal may be relinquished into Baronial Levy by the Guard to assist with the threat present, and returned to their sentence afterward. 

Shackle of Guilt: A shackle is placed upon the criminal for three months which is enchanted to cause intense pain should they take similar action to the crime they committed to warrant the punishment.  Too many actions that violate the shackles enchantment has the possibility of causing spiritual scarring.


Fourth Degree Punishments

Crimes of the Fourth Degree are overseen by the Noble Court or higher, and will only be administered after a trial for the guilty party has been concluded.

Death by Torment: A prolonged and public execution determined by the heads of the High Courts.  Such brutal executions often cause greater spiritual scarring than a lawful execution.

Outlawry: The revocation of all subjects rights, authority, and property in Kormyre. Any who attempt to aid, defend, or help the outlaw against the whims of a Kormyrian subject are charged with aiding and abetting criminals of the kingdom. 


Punishments by Royal Decree

In the case of crimes so heinous that they must be overseen by the Royal Court, the Count and other members of the Royal Court may decree any of these punishments with or without trial as they deem fitting.

Obliteration: Complete shattering of the heroic potential of the soul to the point that there is no chance of resurrection.

Exile: The revocation of all subjects rights, authority, and property in Kormyre. They are prohibited from setting foot on Kormyre’s land and are considered an enemy of the kingdom if discovered within Kormyre’s borders.

Rite of Salt: To have the maledictum’s soul rent in such a way as to leave them metaphysically purged of the magics by which they have committed such harm.



Ignorance- Ignorance of the Law is not a defense. 

Conspiracy to Commit a Crime- Is punished as though the crime was committed. This includes such examples as a bandit attempting to assault and extort a traveler but is stopped by a diligent guardsmen. there must be proof (within reasonable legal doubt) of the Criminal’s means, motivation, and opportunity. A hand caught in the cookie-jar.  

Crime is Against a Noble, a Baronial Officer, or the Breadth of an Entire Land- Crimes of this nature carry an additional one hundred gold fine, or a Baronial levy if the fine cannot be paid.

Misuse of Aligned Forces in a Criminal Act - A Crime is considered a degree higher in severity, should it use an aligned power to commit its crime. (ex: An Andorran forcibly quells the minds of others against their wills. An Aguaran commits a ritual sacrifice for power while committing a murder.)

Metaphysically Controlled- Those compelled by metaphysical malignancies are not the perpetrator of their crimes, but the malignance controlling them is. If however it is proven this defense is being used in falsehood (as they must within reasonable doubt prove they were not of their own free will) it adds the additional charge of Abuse of the Legal System.

Madness- the mad may be offered a lighter sentencing by higher courts if they believe it to be within the confines of the King’s Laws, but the mad are still guilty and must be held accountable for their deeds.


Privileges of Kormyre

Special Dispensation for Heroes

The kingdom recognizes that some parts of the world are under circumstances of duress and require powerful and strong-willed individuals to help protect the safety of the Kingdom's subjects. These strong-willed individuals, by virtue of the metaphysical being as Heroes, are allotted a reasonable amount of disposition in their actions in order to perform their service. One who is identified as a hero by the kingdom may operate in a grey area of the noble structure that prevents them from being ordered to perform any action against their will by a carrier of a noble title. This courtesy must be exercised without extreme offense and does not extend to their interaction with Kormyrian royalty. One who is identified as a hero must still obey any kingdom laws that do not conflict with the above notice of disposition and may be judged and punished for any infractions against the kingdom's law. This gray area does not allow for the blatant disrespect of a noble, which may be punishable as a Public Nuisance or worse crime, depending on the severity and length of the disrespect. It is important to note, however, that merely refusing an order is not in and of itself considered disrespectful.

A Hero is still responsible for their actions and can suffer the consequences of making bad choices.

(OOG-Any Player Character in Knight Realms is by default a Hero for these purposes.)


How Heroic Dispensation Plays Within the Nobility

If you are a part of the nobility, then you must follow the orders of your superiors regardless of whether you are classified by the kingdom as a Hero or not. If you choose not to follow orders of your superiors, then you may be punished and in the case of repeat offenses you may be removed by being stripped of your noble title. A noble title may only be removed by the holder of a title that is two steps above them, or by an appointed representative of such, or by the specific individual noble who appointed said noble title.


Privileges and Rites

The Privileges of Kormyre are maintained by the lawful hand of the Throne, but also may be defended by the subjects themselves. This court of commons is one of immediacy and necessity. When a crime would strip a subject of their privilege they have the right to defend that privilege with whatever means commits no other unlawful deed in the process.

Privilege of Life- A subject of Kormyre has a standing privilege to live and preserve the lives of themselves and their neighbors to the exact degree necessary.

Privilege of Property - A subject has a right to their property and goods. In the immediate they may reclaim it if it is stolen. Should the thief deny their crime the matter, and the thief are to be brought to a guardsman to determine the truth of the matter.

Privilege of Hearth - A subject has a right to granted their dwelling remaining free of interloper or unwanted intrusion. Sparing a legal agent in the course of their duty, or the landed nobility which granted the dwelling, the subject has a right to their privacy and may expel any intruder who enters their home.

Rite of Boasting - An ancient legal defense that still holds some merit- when defending oneself to fatal extremes in the court of commons- a Kormyrian of good standing may wish to put themselves above suspicion following the death of their assailant. In order to invoke the rite of Boasting, the boaster must immediately seek out a public area and boast of their deed to the first subjects they come across. Preferably legal agents (ex: “On the way to the inn I was accosted by bandits and had to kill three of them- two ran off”). This in no way proves their innocence, it will just be seen as evidence in the event of doubt when they abstained from the Rite of Boasting following a fatal encounter in “the court of commons”.

Rite of Justice - A subject in good legal standing may demand their trial be overseen by a higher court by invoking the Rite of Justice- at the possible cost of being charged with Abuse of the Legal system and being subject to far more dire punishments, should it be determined that the accused is wasting the courts time.

Trial by Combat - In the case of crimes which merit a Trial by the Noble Court or higher, the accused may request a Trial by Combat.  By invoking this right, their innocence of guilt is concluded solely on the victor of the combat.  The accused may fight for them self, or select a champion to fight in their stead, with the Noble Court choosing to do the same.  The accused is declared innocent if they or their champion emerge victorious.

© 1997 - Present Day by James C, Kimball 

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