Heroes of Travance,
In the coming days, I invite you all to join me for the Travance Feast of Spring, in celebration of all that you have accomplished. I have been informed of your achievements over the last two years during my absence. From once again thwarting Lord Fallow, to saving countless subjects from harm, you’ve continued to show your honor and valor. I’ve heard the tales of your success against the foul Captain Alvarez and bandits throughout the kingdom. For these heroic deeds and more, it is time we celebrate properly.
This Spring Feast is to be held in your honor of your accomplishments, as well, my thanks for your effort in saving me and the Kingdom from what could have been a terrible fate. Preparations are underway for the celebration to be held this coming Saturday when dusk comes to usher in the night.
In future seasons, these quarterly feasts will serve as an opportune time for important announcements, so please, be sure you attend and not miss the recognition your friends and allies deserve!
Whatever threats continue to ride before our gates, we will stand together and let them crash against the wall of our might. For the good of the Kingdom and the good of Travance!
- Count Sebastian Everest of Wintderdark,
Warden of Kormyre