Hello Travancians,
I wan to start off by saying if you have taken Ser Danarest's money as a mercenary I do not judge you.
Mercenary work can be hard to come by and you do not always get to pick the ideal employer. A situation where your contractor is distasteful but that will not result in direct killing by your hand is altogether a pretty good gig.
I would like to propose an alternative though in case you are having second thoughts. If you have accepted Ser Danarest's offer and come to me with proof that you had accepted it and proof that you have given his money back I will pay you the same price of 300 gold to fight for Travance. If this is a matter of money well, money is something I can fix.
If you accepted his offer for a different reason and you come to me with proof that you had accepted it and proof that you have returned his gold I will reimburse you the 300 gold. You will not be obligated to fight for Travance till your grievance is settled. I just ask that you do not take up arms in his game. And while I cannot promise to solve whatever grievance you have with Travance I will do my best to help you resolve the issue. As much as the Tanwyns would have you believe we are all made of money I am offering this to the first 6 individuals who come to me. If anyone else is feeling generous and wants to pitch in to offer it to more individuals who may have taken Ser Danarest's offer I would not say no to additional gold to help offset my personal finances and helping more people.
If you know me you know I have issues with Travance and am outspoken about them. However, Ser Danarest is not here to fix anything. This game is a distraction from our problems. So, let's win it together, send him packing, and solve our problems together. And if this was purely a financial concern, then lets make you some money without you having to fight your neighbors.
Find me in the Black Bird or the inn I assure you I am hard to miss.
And you have my word I will keep you anonymous to the best of my ability.
Cade Tanwyn,
Captain of the Night Harrier
The Alabatross
I'm starting to understand this whole... morality thing... (or maybe this is ethics... i can never remember the difference), and I must say, I am rather curious as to which way this will go, as this one is rather complex.
On one hand, a person has been paid, and under contract with an unsavory client. You offer them the option to break contract with them and still get paid, and in exchange, all they have to do is break their word. A word that shall no longer be trusted by any that holds the honor of their word as valuable.
On the other hand, if said person maintains the terms of their agreement, you have then given the rest of the town additional reason not to trust them, despite them proving they are a person of their word.
I know what I'd do, but I'm curious to see how this plays out. Anyone want to take bets?
- Lucky