Dear beloved, obedient, subjects,
My precious, helpless, devoted people. I write to you with wonderful news! A great threat had attempted to bring you ruin, and as your faithful and ever-compassionate lord, I chose to step in and bring to heel these dastardly foes who would dare to invade my lands and hurt my gracious subjects. Now, these fiends find themselves trapped within a sprouted maze, which will consume their essence and render them a threat no more.
You need not praise me for such a daring act, kind subjects. I know all too well the troubles you face and saw fit to grant you this blessing. But let it be clear, that any such villains who dare tread upon my lands again will face harsher punishment. It may come time that these scoundrels, who travel across that abhorrent gate, will need to be dealt with in full. But as of yet, the field will serve as a reminder.
I sincerely hope they do get the message. And I pray for all your safety, my doting subjects. So do take mind to stay away from the field near that accursed rift gate! It would break my loving heart to see any one of you lost within. Please though, there is no need to give me praise. As always, I work solely so that you, my precious subjects, do not have to suffer.
Your ever-ruling and fair leader,
Baron Nathaniel Fallow