Yesterday, we were able to intercept a coded letter from an agent of the Society of Benefactors. Thanks to people in Travance, we were able to decode it. They are moving a shipment through Auralion. They are aware of Kaladonia's expertise with woodland reconnaissance, and will be using druids and rangers to clear out the animals in the area, either convincing them to not approach the caravan or kill them outright. I want to stop their shipment. Knowing their prior trade involvement, this is likely slaves. I am asking for those interested to meet with me or Sir Reno of Kaladonia so we can come up with a plan to stop this. There will be a copy of the decoded letter for those who are interested provided below.
Thank you all who wish to aid us. Let's stop these bastards.
Ser Kanas Silverfang
I won't be joining with the interrogation tomorrow, I have some more personal matters to attend to. May your ancestors guide you and luck be upon you all.
- Amhrán Briste-Laoch
Na Biodh Eagal Air Olc, Buaidh No Bàs
Ser Kanas, Ser Reno,
Please let me know what assistance I can provide. These fucks want to go toe to toe with us again? Fine. Count me in.
To those of the “Hunter” Team,
Please contact me directly at your earliest convenience. I have received additional information that must be kept confidential. However, I was asked to relay this directly to those of you involved in the offensive, lest the message be intercepted.
To the rest, keep your eyes open for a certain Rowan Tellingsbridge. They use an alias, and have managed to alter their appearance so as to avoid detection. If you hear word of such an individual, please notify us.
I am deeply proud and thankful for your diligent work thus far. Pray that we may keep this pace.
Consul Verity E. Arkwright
(Facebook messenger for DMs, please! Marlee Warwick ^^)
How do I not notice this until now? This wasn't the first time there was activity in Auralion the last incident of note being my own murder at the hands of their "asset" known as Crux
If there is anything else going on, I would appreciate if someone let me know.
I go meditating in the woods and come back to this? Gods these guys just don't quit do they? I have a score to settle with the Society. If you need any of my skills or expertise feel free to call on me.
Ser Caelvan Renaith
March Warden of Selendrias
Annora relayed the following to me. "We're continuing to track them through the rift. Sadly they didn't become a rift spider snack. But Khala did intercept a messenger bird headed for them, and we have more ciphers for the brains. We were unable to get eyes on Crux to confirm he's with this group, but are guessing he is and will keep trying.
Also got a closer look at the reinforced cart, definitely confirms earlier theory that it's for keeping people safe while traveling, rather than any sort of slaves."
The Cipher was then relayed as follows:
You’re kidding me. Not through my hometown, they aren’t. I’ll send an alert. — Consul Verity E. Arkwright
That's what I've got from the newest message. Four square ciphers are a bitch. Sentence breaks have been put in where I think they should be.
- Maria
Please let me know if negotiations occur, or we capture someone who could prove useful. I cannot serve on the battlefield.
— Consul Verity E. Arkwright
All, My cover identity as "Captain Browne" was not compromised the last time the Society came calling. If having folks on the inside will help, I can see if I can't get myself hired again, maybe take a few of my sailors in case we want more fire power hitting them from within. If not, we'll link up with your elements and lend our rifles where you think we'd be of best use. Hell of a way to spend shore leave, eh? Respectfully, Cobus Puren Captain, Kormyrian Royal Navy KSS Saguaro and the 1st Raider Force, commanding
Axiana: Any help is appreciated. Thanks for being willing to help us. Tom: Unfortunately, given the nature of the Society, they aren't going to stop until they get their goal or the entire organization, especially whoever is leading this particular operation, are taken care of. Right now the best thing we can do is deal with them here and now. Make it so that whatever scheme they're trying right now will fail.
Didn't these knee-walking vermin learn from the last time they fooled around in our back yard that they ain't no good at this? I figured they'd have taken up knitting, or painting, or another noncompetitive hobby, but vermin is as vermin does I suppose. Just got back from a nice vaykay' (Transcriber's note: I do not know for certain what Serr Bell is stating, Research indicates he is attempting to say "vacation") so I'm a bit late to the party but if they are fooling around in my backyard I'd be happy to help these fellers with that there pattern recognition thing they seem to be struggling with. Your Neighbor, Dictated but not read, Serr Thomas Bell
I hope I'm not too late to the party. My skills were needed elsewhere so I was...indisposed. See you all are going up against the Society huh? Well if there's anything that I can do, I will be more than happy to lend a hand.
I still gotta bone to pick with em for last time
-Axiana Lockmoore
If we gate across the rift we can still cut them off at the other side. Possibly send people ahead to set up a road block of some sort and have people stationed on the Travance side in case they turn around.
- Amhrán
I'm assuming Crux is with the rest of the group? But I also don't know what he looks like so I couldn't identify him. And I'm assuming he isn't wearing a sign that says "Crux, Society of Benefactors"
Do we have confirmation on Crux's whereabouts?
We have yet to decipher the final transmission. Pray that will not affect your safety. On standby in Kormyre.
— Consul Verity E. Arkwright
I'm currently in Kormyre, Aleander more specifically. Setting out from there now towards the Rift. Keep me updated and direct me if you get more specifics. I'll do what I can.
- Maria
So with a little luck and a lot of avian skill, I was able to get eyes on these asswaffles. It looks like they are traveling in a caravan of 4 wagons, with 7 guards on horseback and probably more on foot. 3 of the wagons are your standard canvas covered types, but the 3rd one in the chain looks like a prisoner wagon -- reinforced with wood and metal, very sturdy. It looks specifically like it's meant to protect the contents from outside harm (as well as inside i'm sure)--meaning breaking it open won't be easy. My estimate is it could carry about 6 people.
ALSO VERY IMPORTANT. AS OF THE TIME OF THIS RAVEN THEY ARE ALREADY CROSSING THE RIFT. My aerial scout saw them preparing to cross, but based on their rate of travel they started across about 4 hours ago, those infernal rat shits.
So now to continue the pursuit we need to get ourselves across, or catch them in the middle. Khala and I are trying to follow best we can, but we're still on the Travance side of the rift. I don't want to lose what lead we've managed to gain on them. If we're not waiting at the riftgate we've tried to hop on a caravan to keep following.
I'm with Tari and Darius at the Rift Gate. Should I start laying down traps on back routes they might take? Or even the main road possibly? I doubt it'll stop them but it'll at least slow them down. If yes I'll try to jury-rig what I can, but it would be helpful to send someone with materials and to help me lay the traps. Since we want to capture at least one of them I'd specifically request adhesive bombs and tranquilizer bombs. If Selby or Raine are available I could really use their help for it. That is if you want me to do this.
- Amhrán
Hey Peaches, if you see this send them to Rift Gate. We really need those reinforcements.