I know that word travels fast in Travance, but since the matters it involves have been rather public, I wanted to make sure everyone knows...
I Robert Morgan, being of sound mind and body, do hearby renounce my Titles, my Oaths, and my vassalhood to Lord Rudolf of Ostcliff.
I can not, in good conscience, condone his actions, nor can I serve someone who is willing to justify the "Lesser of two evils". Lesser of greater, evil is evil.
- Robert Morgan
Angel, I don't seem to recall anyone else near the negotiations aside from myself, Lord Rudolf, and the man in question. If you were sitting as witness, it had to be far away from where we were. Also, as I have been named, I will tell you now that my involvement was purely to make sure yet another criminal organization did not run rampant across the Proper selling monstrosities to the highest bidder unchecked. Despite what this town largely believes, I am here to help all of you continue to survive the things that crawl out of various places to destroy us. What I can say is that our interactions with this organization are not over, and I will be taking every single precaution I can to make sure that at the end of the day, this organization and Travance have an understanding, so that they do not unleash further attacks on us for sport. If they decline further contact, I'll send them my "kindest regards", such as they are. ~Therion