I know that word travels fast in Travance, but since the matters it involves have been rather public, I wanted to make sure everyone knows...
I Robert Morgan, being of sound mind and body, do hearby renounce my Titles, my Oaths, and my vassalhood to Lord Rudolf of Ostcliff.
I can not, in good conscience, condone his actions, nor can I serve someone who is willing to justify the "Lesser of two evils". Lesser of greater, evil is evil.
- Robert Morgan
I will keep my response brief. Robert Morgan, I am impressed with you standing by your conviction and glad to see that Travance has not taken that away like it has many others in the years I have been here. Don't change. Therion, I would like to talk to you further in depth regarding this matter so that I can get a full understanding of the plan. I would also like to look into them keeping to their word in regards to my homeland, as history has told me that they are not kind to their neighbors. To everyone else, if we all really wish to discuss then we can settle this before the next nobles meeting. Onward to the horizon, Ser Peaches Shirotsuke MahoKetsui of Corvancia Witchfinder General of Travance
To all involved,
With my own study and background, if one would like to speak with me, I can point out the difference between
using evil means for a good cause, thus making the moral agent culpable for evil, and
the double effect: one action having good and evil outcomes, making the moral agent culpable if the evil outcome outweighs the good.
See me or send a missive if you would like to discuss this.
In either case, all the minutiae of moral theory put aside, I think we can all agree that we, as the Heroes of Travance, have a duty and an obligation to protect those people who are in harms way of this lich owned Void creature, even at the expense of our own well being.
Can we say that is a common ground for all of us?
Father Ephrem,
Primus of the Church of Light in Travance
Well. Now that I have at least a little more of the picture. I am glad to see that Travance and Kormyre are safe from this creature.
However, if this creature is used against the people of my Kingdom, do be certain, I will inform her Majesty of the source of that destruction and how it came to be in the hands of those who caused it.
Travance is in a unique area that you are a Barony in Kormyre, but actions taken here are felt all across Arawyn. I think a few of you need that reminder.
In Service to Her Majesty,
March Warden Caelvan Renaith of Selendrias
While it saddens me that I was not there during any part of this to speak out against it, I would have it known that myself and those who follow me do not condone what happened with the negotiation. I have stated as such to Niko previously and I will say it here. If I or mine can be of aid in fixing this situation, please keep me appraised of what is happening. Robert, you have made a choice to speak out against something truly horrifying. Instead of blindly following your Lord's decisions you decided to speak out against them for what you believed is right. Good on you. You should be proud of the conviction you are showing. As far as the agreement made, while I do not know the full agreement with these individuals, I do know that giving them a 'living weapon' (whom is sentient from what I am now learning?) so they can wipe out any who would stand against them is unacceptable. It is wonderful that we are 'safe' from them but condemning who knows how many others is inexcusable. Also if said entity is truly sentient, the sale or trade of them for our own gain is putrid. ~Ser Nesterin First Knight of Alisandria
Angel, I don't seem to recall anyone else near the negotiations aside from myself, Lord Rudolf, and the man in question. If you were sitting as witness, it had to be far away from where we were. Also, as I have been named, I will tell you now that my involvement was purely to make sure yet another criminal organization did not run rampant across the Proper selling monstrosities to the highest bidder unchecked. Despite what this town largely believes, I am here to help all of you continue to survive the things that crawl out of various places to destroy us. What I can say is that our interactions with this organization are not over, and I will be taking every single precaution I can to make sure that at the end of the day, this organization and Travance have an understanding, so that they do not unleash further attacks on us for sport. If they decline further contact, I'll send them my "kindest regards", such as they are. ~Therion
It must be terrible to have family
Dragged through mud
With such fervor by others.
It must be tragic to feel
So uninformed by those
Who you are forced
To trust with the decisions
Of your own daily life.
Robert Morgan stands taller
Than all of you
Who berate his choice.
He holds to morals
And values
Against all waves
For no gain
He shows himself
Nikola Malagan
I do appreciate watching the cycle continue.
Robert, we should talk. I feel we might finally agree on some things we might not have agreed on before.
Gabriel M.
What is true is that the Council decided to allow negotiation with the man known as Ares in an attempt to remove some of that group's membership from the field of battle. I understand that this may still be an evil thing in your mind, and I will not deny your anger at that.
However, any notes that the rest of us had any idea before the negotiation that the void beast & technology used to contain it would be handed over is bullshit. I do not know if the described wailing & gnashing of teeth happened between the negotiation and the battle at the end of the night, as I was down in the bunker, but it certainly didn't happen during the Council meeting. I was surprised as you when I heard afterwards what had been offered.
This, along with a few other outcomes of negotiations this past year, tells me that Travance needs a few lessons on negotiating with enemies. The first lesson is that the outcome of a failed negotiation is that we kill them, a point which I think has not been impressed upon the other parties strongly enough.
-Lady Lois Heimdell
Robert Morgan,
Since you would like the public to be informed, they should also be informed of the fact that you declined to look into my mind, an offer I made willingly despite my personal dislike of psionics; to be able to see the events which unfolded in their entirety, leading to the decision made and it's enactment, for yourself.
The council of lords and ladies made the choice as a whole, and I, Dame Angeliana of Winterdark, sat witness and voiced concerns. Upon being asked, I delivered the information to his Grace, the Count, who also agreed to what the council had decided after evaluating all factors involved. Including the consequences and time constraints of the choices at hand. The council then agreed my unkel Lord Rudolf and Therion should be the ones to do the negotiations, and as such they did so. I also sat across from that table, as witness, during the negotiations. Another piece of information I offered you to see for yourself, sans bias, which you once again, declined.
If you would like to make uninformed decisions and publicly besmirch my unkel, a Lord of a land of Travance, for decisions made by the entire council of Travance, that is a choice you are making. However, I would suggest that if you are unable to condone the actions taken or serve under people who justified the decision... that you don't stop at leaving unkel's Land, Ostcliff, but leave Travance as well. As the decision belonged with all of its leaders.
Evil is in fact evil. Leaders are stuck making extremely hard, sometimes impossible decisions and do their best with the given circumstances... This is why I myself could never lead, due to my own morals and religion. As such I council his Grace, who leads.
To all others who read this, please let me know if I can clarify anything for you, as I will not sit idly by and watch someone tear down my family's name, reputation or morality, when it is not deserved.
May the light guide your paths and keep you all safe.
With love and respect,
Dame Angeliana Himmlisch, Healer and spiritual advisor to his Grace; Count Sebastian Everest
The Heart of Winterdark
High Priestess of Andorra
Niece of Lord Rudolf of Ostcliff
Just for transparency and curiosity sake, I would like to know what lesser evil vs greater evil was chosen if possible?
Feel free to send me a missive, physical or mental if it is not something that should be posted publicly for all to see.
Thank you,
March Warden Caelvan Renaith