Dear Travance,
After struggling to find happy songs, especially sea shanties to write in my song book I have been forced to ask for help. If you have a song happy (or sad), or in between, or a song you request for me to sing I am opening my book to your suggestions. I have been invited to sing in the Wolf's Den and in the hope of not making anyone cry (due to us all having too much to cry about) I hope you can give me some good suggestions. Thank you.
Dear Travance,
Thank you so much for all your music suggestions all is appreciated this is still open to comment at but I just wanted to say thank you for everyone who helped!
Wish I'd know last week. Had my guitar in my coach all WitL
(Not Mina)
I sailed once with a mad lad who raised a sunken ship damn near by himself. Good story, makes for a good song. Makes my husband cry though, so just don't sing it around him. Words are attached.
(Song is The Mary Ellen Carter - the cover by The Longest Johns is an upbeat version of the original by Stan Rogers.
I have a song that I like and you might sometimes hear me sing, called Bully Boys I will send you a missive about the lyrics. -Djinn ( OOG: )
You may already know this song, but years ago I met a bard who spent a lot of time on the sea. He sang a song that always struck me.
It was called the song of the Mariner's Revenge. It's a powerful, dark, and sad song.
Good luck in your search.
~Alexsei Nicholaevich