Subjects of Travance,
Through the diligent work you provided during the interrogation of Enzo Vantriel, we have come to the truth of all that had transpired within the Black Keep. Enzo had made a full confession after an extensive amount of persuasion. In his confession, Enzo stated he was the mastermind behind the entire operation and identified himself as the agent of Mors Separata. He was able to avoid revealing much information at first, displaying a professional level of skill in deception. However, after employing every measure, his confession followed as thus:
Enzo had hired both Ivar Coalbeard and Vierro de Aquiza to assist him in his mission, using Ivar to gain access to areas of the Black Keep that he would, as a clerk, not normally have access to. Vierro was hired specifically to forge the document itself once everything needed was collected. It was made clear later that Enzo had intended to simply frame them and hide his involvement. The symbol of the crossed out eye found among the clues at the Masquerade was identified as belonging to a known underboss of the Kormyrian Rogue’s Guild, “Vulture”, to whom Enzo had owed an outstanding debt.
In regards to the other suspects, the royal guard saw to questioning them based on your initial investigations at His Grace’s Masquerade and the results of which should help paint the full picture.
Gemma Burstock was found completely innocent of all crimes in the matter. Her work had been stolen, and she reported the theft through the appropriate channels. She is simply a victim of circumstance regarding this crime and will retain her job.
Percival Thane, son of Lord Edmund Thane, confessed to regularly drinking while on duty in the keep, and misplacing his belongings. The keys found did belong to Percival, and he admitted to losing them while drunk. He claimed his haste for leaving was due to the certain vicious punishment his father would enact upon hearing his disgrace. Nevertheless, Percival was escorted back to Lord Thane’s villa, where he is to remain for the time being.
Anya Velenier, along with Ellis Hannigan, confessed to planning a robbery of the Black Keep for monetary gain. Their target was a relic within the keep that a buyer had sought. Though the item itself contained no supernatural power, its value remains significant. Ellis had brought the job to Anya and offered to split the pay, and so she left certain doors open to allow for entry into the keep undetected. These same doors were also used out of convenience by Enzo and his compatriots.
At the request of the inquisition, Ivar was released, but asked to stay within the Black Keep under observation. Due to the lax restrictions, Ivar had disappeared in the night, and is considered to be a fugitive.
Vierro remains in custody awaiting His Grace’s judgment for his crimes.
Enzo, who was to be placed in high security detainment, was found dead in his cell this morning. Without question, Mors Separata had some hand to play in his death, though the means of which has yet to be determined.
Mors Separata is an organization skilled in espionage more so than any other we have seen within the kingdom before. We do not yet know how far reaching their influence is, but as it stands, they had an agent within the Black Keep, and who knows where else. In time, we will continue forward with a plan of action to uncover who these villains are.
As The Crown Wills,
Ser Gregor Stoneheart, the Sardonyx
Knight of Kaladin

High Security detail ends up dead?
Seems you already know Gregor: you have a mole.
Begin looking into every one with access or knowledge to that cell ASAP. The Inquisition is willing to assist in this investigation, as it is incredibly distressing to have traitors in our midst.
High priority prisoners in Kormyre don't end up dead for no reason.
Disturbing news, My offices made no such request. Magistrate R.T.
Ser Gregor,
Thank you for you diligent hand in overseeing the investigation and compiling some of the intelligence needed untangle the web of this mystery.
To all those who assisted in this matter and help to find additional information, we are in your debt. Thank you.
In Service,