(Not Jackdaw)
Subjects of Kormyre, Heroes of Travance,
In the month of March, 1222, the Knights of Mornea, under my Lord Indarius Wraithchill launched an attack upon your town in an effort to claim the Ivory Tower. During this, emissaries from your town negotiated with me that, in exchange for the release of hostages in my care, one year hence I would be allowed to launch my own siege upon your town. A chance to test my own tactical skills, and the strength of those who follow me.
Lord Wraithchill perished in his glorious attack, proving without doubt that you are the worthiest of foes to test myself against, and the one year mark rapidly approaches. We will soon test each other, but first, as agreed, we must set the terms of this contest.
On the 20th of this month I will arrive in your proper via a gate from the private study graciously loaned to me by a now much wealthier noble. It has served well as a temporary base from which to watch and plan my attack. My entourage, consisting of myself, a scribe, a small number of guards, and a steward to attend me, will arrive at the stroke of midnight in the fields by your Kaladonia state house. Should you wish to arrange it, I shall accept an honor guard to escort me to the negotiations. If not we shall find our own way there, and you have my solemn word that for the duration of my time in your town we shall harm no one, unless attacked first.
For the Honor of Mornea,
Ser Vaelin Danarest