Letter from Regent Stonewall
Heroes of Kormyre and Travance,
Troubling news has reached us within the castle, and is all the more confirmed by letters we’ve received from Squire Quincy and several others. Forces threaten to overwhelm our borders and take advantage of the Count's absence. However, to face the armies of several nations and mercenaries would put far too many of our own people in the line of danger. I have no doubt that, with the combined might of our own forces, you brave heroes, and the allies we have who would not be swayed by this Mors Separata, we would hold fast. But, if the scope of their reach is as great as boasted, then I am also not so foolish to believe that this would be a battle we could win.
We are uncertain of how much sway the Mors Separata have, and so we must take great care in our course of action. We will be increasing our defenses kingdom-wide and taking preparations to stand as stalwart as possible. I, and the others within the court, have been informed of the full scope of Count Everest’s condition and what you heroes have learned. And so, I write this letter in copy to address this.
We of the court have agreed that Dame Zhafira of the Sagewardens and Sir Grashugal of Winterdark has our full confidence in overseeing the mission as it was described: To enter the Ivory Tower and retrieve the artifact within that will bring about Count Everest’s return. We place our trust in thier capable hands to see this mission through. Please, look to them for guidance on how to help with accomplishing this plan so that we - and especially Count Sebastian Everest - may see the sun shine on Kormyre another day.
By My Hand, I remain,
Regent Donovan Stonewall