Great heroes of Kormyre,
This day, I, Rí na Fola, Rodan Díomasach, turn my gaze to you. You, who have sworn guardianship of the lands surrounding your province. You, who have faced villain upon villain since the first stone was placed on that accursed ground. I turn my gaze toward you and call to put to test your resolve and belabored altruistic boasting.
I present this letter as your fair warning. I have soaked the lands under my dominion in blood and laid low the clans of Healey, Roddam, and FitzAram. My will is iron and I remain resolute in the path I have chosen. And so I turn my gaze to you, heroes of the greatest renown.
Prepare yourselves. For I take my journey southward, and by months end, the world will know who remains steadfast.
In Blood and Battle, I Remain, Rodan Díomasach, Rí na Fola cousin seems to be riled up, so I take back what I said before.
I don't wish you good luck. I wish you Good Bye. Hope you like the feeling of arrows raining down on you and your army. You'll be getting a lot of them soon.
-Caelvan Renaith
Damn and blast and curse you few, quick to brag and slow to action. My hands shake as I write for consideration of all those unsuspecting in his path, should this truly be Rodan the Red. I have seen this town fell far worse than I imagine him, but for the families and communities in his way to Travance --. a plague upon his cursed face. We need to act, and quickly, damn it all! -Kin Killulah of the McKraegar Clan've come to visit. I was wonderin' how long it would take before the constant kickings by us would have ye lookin' fra soft Sassenach targets. Ye chose poorly. The Bull's Warhounds, Septmates of Clan Farquharson have stood and fought before. I'll nae run from ye. I look forward to givin' ye a good kicking, an' leavin' ye running back home wi' your tail between yer legs.
-Father Donald Eigg MacFhionnlaigh
Son of Angus MacFhionnlaigh, Sept Chieftain Priest of Valos Champion of Terrestraza Proud Son of the Highlands
Ok, so I see you've actually committed evils against your people. How disgustingly vile.
I look forward to your arrival, and I'll be moving my favorite sunning rock directly into your path, so I can greet you properly.
On behalf of all the Hibernians you've tormented over the years I look forward to kicking your overbearing ass into next week. Your time terrorizing them is done.
Travance has endured far worse than you, and you will be nothing but a smudge upon our memory. We have weathered terrors from the abyss and throughout time. You will crash upon our shields and fail, like all those before you.
You want this declaration to scare us, so we're cowering when you arrive? We are not impressed, nor fearful, of your pompous threats. We are Travance.
Remember, all boogeymen are eventually exposed in the light.
It would be a great honor to be a part of the force that finally brings down such an ancient terror. Welcome to hell on Arawyn old man.
- Amhrán Briste-Laoch
Na Biodh Eagal Air Olc, Buaidh No Bàs
Try me. Sincerely, but not really, Jeanne-Vierre Desmos
The King of Blood is not a simple braggart. He and his people have been the Boogeyman of the Highlands for nigh on Sixty years, which honestly feels a bit off for one human to be a menace for that long, but what do I know.
To Rodan Díomasach, Rí na Fola: I look forward to testing my mettle against you.
Get, The Adventurer
As an ally of Travance I have seen what they are capable of and have only one thing to say to you.
Good luck.
-Ser Caelvan Renaith
-March Warden of Selendrias
PS. Annora mind if I join you next Tuesday? I could use some sun for a little boost of energy.
Since you're so nice to give us this fair warning will you abide to only fighting us heroes? Or should we prepare to rebuild many of our peasantry's farms and homes? Will you spare their lives? How much honor do you bring? Narcissus
Rodan Díomasach, Rí na Fola, You are the not the first warlord we have faced. You are certainly not the last. This town has faced adversity time and time again. And in the face of such great evils, we grit our teeth and fight back. You do not faze us. Remember this when you bring your army to our door. You seek to draw the blood of our people. We will stop you. That is a guarantee. -Ser Kanas Silverfang, the Relentless
Oh no. Another braggart come to try to fight us. Whatever shall I do. I'd quiver in my boots. If I was wearing any right now.
I guess I'll have to schedule in some time to be scared. Maybe next Tuesday? Wait, nope, I have an all-day nap in the sun scheduled then. Oh well. Do you take rain checks? Sorry, we're busy with actual problems right now, maybe try again later?
(Not Jackdaw) There was a time in my life when I found it rare to be trading missives with legends. Tis a feat I find increasingly less rare the more I engage with Travance, and here I am experiencing it yet again. Rodan, I know that little has stemmed the march of your mighty armies. I know that once you set your purpose to blood, blood will be spilt. There are plenty here who will list the mighty foes felled by Travance and such acts will only stoke your zeal for battle and the challenge they pose. But the mettle of this town has been tested by fiend and foe alike, and they have proven themselves time and time again. You will find honorable warriors here, and masters of poison, mad fighters the like the abyss fears, and casters who can shape the very nature of the world. I dare say you'll not only face defeat, but you will be undone. In short, I say as one of the fine sons of the people of Hibernia who grew up with the legends of your terror, you have challenged Travance, and to that I wish you the best of luck. Campion O'Dell Cleric of Eodra In Service to Ser Yvain Lionnes
Sixty years, was it? Thank goodness. I was starting to fret that you would never learn how to pen a letter. Certainly took you long enough. Well, there’s a time for everything, I suppose. Once you’ve spent another sixty learning how to take manners of state through their proper channels, I’d be much obliged to talk.