Hello friends,
I'm sure many of you have heard of the Employer by now.
Long story short, they're an individual that has been conducting rituals, based on the zodiac constellations, around town. In their hubris they have left these rituals for us to find. As far as we understand, their overall goal is to siphon the power of Triton, the dead Primal Spirit of the Ocean, and either bind or take that power for themselves.
They've also made explicit threats against other primal spirits, including Draka'thul, Vokar'thul, and Nesala, after some of us did a ritual to invoke those spirits for help and answers.
Due to the limitations of their ritual style (based on the month's zodiac sign), we have been able to extrapolate some information about where one of their upcoming rituals will be.
The list of the Employer's Rituals we've found so far is as follows, with sketches of the rituals when we found them, and a list of the upcoming zodiac signs.
Right now, the plan we have so far is to create our own counter-ritual, and bury/otherwise hide it where the Employer is going to be doing their December ritual on Ilthuene, the Great Tree.
If you're not a star person or too familiar with the Zodiac, there's a refresher page below. (https://www.worldanvil.com/w/knight-realms3A-arawyn-gallion/a/the-zodiac-of-arawyn-article)
I am working on designing this ritual, but I need plenty of assistance, both in the form of ideas, plans, and ritual items we can use to counter the Employer (since his rituals always include aspects of the current zodiac sign--Te'vash had wheat, Archidemus was on an octopus hide, and so on).
So far I have some stuff infused with air/lightning, to counter the Earth element of Ilthuene's sign. But that's as far as I've gotten, so, uh...help.
(OOG, I will be going for JustinPoints with props, I got a dremel and chaotic gremlin energy, if anyone wants to join me in this madness).
Critically, the Employer has done their rituals at the beginning of or just before a feast weekend, before townsmembers are in the Proper to intercept them. So we are limited in the time we have to plan this counter.
If we can intercept the Employer in December, that would be ideal, since January's sign is Triton, and I'm concerned they might break their established ritual patterns for that one. If we don't succeed in December, we'll try again in January and/or February. We still have a few months left to fuck them over.
Kestrel - I was told you have the locations of where the constellation papers were found around the proper in July. Is that true? Apparently the locations of the rituals has lined up with where those were found.
Or if anyone else took notes on that information, please share!
Uhh....that's all I got for now, I guess. Thank you in advance, let's make this asshole eat their own ritual.

If Kestral can't, I might be able to piece together where things were from my cipher decoding notes. If I remember right, each constellation corresponded to the messages that were found alongside them, so I may have those written down somewhere still.
- Maria Quincy
Thank you, both of you. Maria, I've added your note to the list.
Kes, if you can find those notes on the constellations, I'll add them to my big stack of notes here.
And absolutely, we're going to need all the help we can get.
I will dig for my notes on where the constellations were located. I wasn't able to note them all, but I noted the ones that I saw.
I'm also happy to help with planning the ritual and may have some ideas and items we can weave in.
- Ser Kes Laurent-Belmont
The October ritual was found out past the Dragoon cairn, where one of the campsites was.
- Maria Quincy