(Not Jackdaw) Message from the Baronial Guard: This document was left sometime during the night. No one saw who left it, the paper was examined and determined to be safe. It is believed to be related to the mysterious camps found around the proper and is being left up to aid in the investigation of such.

The only burden I carry is having to deal with monsters who have such a high regard for their own egos that the evil of families deprived of their farms is seen in some twisted way as being "good." Those families will be taken care of in our mission houses...for now. When your game is over and justice is served with a firm and strong hand upon your head, their farms will be restored.
Father Ephrem,
Cor de Valos
Carrying loved ones lost due to your misadventures
Perhaps one of heaviest burdens all too familiar around these parts is the memory of those we have lost along the way.....
Suppose I'll start if no one else has.
Fully deciphering all three sets of coded messages / journaling, including the accompanying written symbols, that were left in abandoned camps around Travance. As proof, here's maybe half of my scrap parchment.
- Maria Quincy
Attached to the note are seven pieces of parchment, written with multiple colors of ink in obnoxiously small but still relatively neat handwriting.
(OOG Plain text version of the above text) Good morning Travance,
I happened to be passing through your quaint little town to leave an offering, and it seems you’ve found my people… at least you found what is left of them. I’m sure this has raised a lot of questions, a lot of scurrying around and looking for answers. Personally when I’m lost I often like to let the stars be my guide. Right now Hazirus is ascendant, but by the end of the month when I next pass through it will be Nurremaralias, the Heart of the Mountain.
You know, I once had a friend who told me he left his heart in Travance. Well not specifically, I am paraphrasing. He said something when I ripped his heart out, but I don’t recall exactly what it was. We were friends though, he did give me his heart after all. It wasn’t willing, but I like to think we had a connection. And I did leave it in your town as an offering to the Mountain, so it is true that he left it there. Oh dear, I seem to keep leaving body parts around your town don’t I? I hope that’s not an issue because I plan to keep doing it.
Where was I? Ah Yes! Nurremaralias, a sign of compassion and wisdom, giving advice and guiding others.
I suppose in the Spirit of the Quartz Mountain I should give you something, (other than the heart) but I think we should all give something, together we can move mountains or so the saying goes. In fact, let's do that. Between now and the end of the month I want to know that you have worked on moving mountains.
I would like 32 instances of the members of your town carrying a heavy burden. You can provide written accounts or little stick figure drawings. Put them on this message board, other public locations, even hang them up on the lovely little one in the center of the proper. When I return I will judge them, and if they are to my liking, I will share a handful of translations for words on those tablets I left, or for words you have not yet seen on other tablets.
Why play my game, aside from the answers it will provide? Well because the only way I’ll stick around is if you keep me interested, and the only way you can find me and stop me is by getting me to stick around. So… let us play, and see what fate has in store for us shall we?
-The Employer