Hello. I after taking a day to think about it I have a few questions regarding the ritual of the March Feast and would appreciate it if someone would be willing to answer them if they can and have the time.
1: Did this thought/experience appear in anyone's head outside of Travance? I assume it did because I wasn't anywhere near the ritual site and heard it in mine.
2: If it did, did we tell anyone outside of Travance that this was happening?
3: If we didn't tell anyone either of the things, may I ask why? I feel there may be some backlash by invading people's minds like that, and the thought that was put there points directly to Travance, or at least to Kormyre.
I might have a few more questions based on the answers. But these are the big ones that I have at the moment.
I will be seeking you out next feast to continue this discussion in person Gras.
I will state the following for those following this conversation, feel free to chime in if you feel the need to do so.
I do not disagree that a new path has been opened with the Count back. That is a fact that no one can dispute. However, my points stem from a diplomatic sense.
Travance ended the world. End statement. That is a fact.
Yes, Travance brought it back. Yes it *should* be exactly the same. But Travance still ended the world to save one man.
Most nations would view that as a cautionary tale, not a good one and may be hesitant to have any dealings, good or bad, with people who are willing to end the world for one man.
THAT is my concern. Travance has worked hard to foster a reputation that even though Travance is a place of very powerful individuals, they would do what they needed to to insure the safety of the world and that threats to end it would be dealt with. We just showed them we are one of the threats to end it. And I am sure a question going through the mind of at least one ruler is: "How do we stop them from doing it again?"