Subjects of Travance, it is not without sorrow that I pen this letter. Over the past 16 years, I have served you all as a blacksmith, as a priest of Brazen, as the Master of Arms, as a Knight of Koromyre, as the Lord of Kaladonia, and as a mentor, teacher, and friend to many.
I must now take my leave, step down from my positions, and move on to another role.
An ancient power that has been an ally to Travance in the past, and that I am personally indebted to for their assistance in my own journey, has called for aid. My specific skills, history, and past trials make this a unique fit that I cannot refuse.
To be clear, I do not make this decision lightly. I swore an oath to the Kingdom of Koromyre to serve its crown and people, and I do not look forward to leaving my home, friends, and family behind. However, it has become abundantly clear over the years that sometimes, protecting your home and loved ones means protecting the world at large first, before the threat comes to your doorstep and is too late to stop. This is one of those cases.
My wife, Kleidin DuTenkukai Laurent-Belmont Weaveforger, will remain in Travance to do what she does best - protect its subjects, hunt horrors, and provide for those who live there. While Lady Kleidin’s status will be changed with my departure, I ask that you look to her for wisdom and guidance until a new Lord can be appointed. I am also calling in a favor to make sure she has the help she needs while living here in Travance.
I have sent word of my formal resignation to the Court in Loez, and trust their wisdom and judgement to appoint a new Lord. I have also left instructions and supplies for my successor to make the transition a smooth one.
Due to the nature of my new mission, I will not be able to receive missives or contact from most sources. I will give two very specific Psions the ability to contact me (they will receive letters from me indicating protocol on how to do so safely).
Vassals of Kaladonia - I ask that you look to your Knights and their Squires for leadership until such a time as a new Lord is appointed. Remember that you swore an oath to the Land and its people, and not to me, personally.
We will meet again some day, on this world or another one, and we will raise our goblets together in cheer and merriment once again. I now fight to make sure this will happen.
In service to Arawyn and its people,

~Gideon Weaveforger
In all my days the Weaveforgers have been a boon to the world and to my life in particular. May the gods be with you old friend; I will miss you.
I would find it good fortune if our paths should ever cross again.
*An Emerald Handled Throwing Knife pins this reply* Sad to see you go old friend but I understand such a calling. You were a wonderful mentor and I will carry your memory and stories onward to the future.
While I know you may never read this, know that should the need arise, you will always have my assistance. Without question.
- Caelvan Renaith
Emerald Huntsman