Hello Hello Hello,
My travels this month have been even more enjoyable under the light of Myrell, the Wanderer. I’ve come through once more to leave an offering as I travel. I found this lovely book of maps in a shipwreck; it was simple enough to collect. And before all of you get concerned; I did not kill anyone this time; they were all already dead when I got there.
I hear that you all have been looking into the deaths of the Cosetti family, and even have a meeting planned with a gang in Faust on Friday at midnight to collect the family servant. That’s a lot of effort to go through just to find out about me. I hear the Crab’s Claw is very skilled at collecting rare creatures for those that can pay, and charge quite a bit of gold for their “finder’s fee.” I wish you the best of luck, it should be very exciting.
Now, I suppose we should discuss our game. Mr Tom Bell, I wish I could give you credit for your “victory” over me. But you said yourself, you cannot imagine what made me this way. So how do you know that if you were presented with similar circumstances, you would be able to continue to struggle against them? Would you actually choose kindness?
But many of you did share your victories, even more so than last time. It’s not quite the 32 instances in order to win it. That’s alright, I will reward you with one word for playing.

Even more exciting, your efforts have changed the game and added some fun new players. At least, fun for me. Since you changed the game, I will too. It’ll take some time to prepare though, so I will not ask for more participation. Our new game will start under Triton, until then, I'm sure you'll keep up the chase.
The Employer