Hi All, It's been a very long time since I've reached out. Usually I'll stop by for a few minutes at the camp, make some donations and leave. I'm trying to figure out this new site and I have a few questions. 1) Do I need to make another username and password in order to see a character sheet in Eodra? 2) Who can I contact in regards for character (PC) sheets. 3) Is everyone communicating on facebook or on discord? This website? all three? Thanks, Tom Polanski
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All three, the the forums are the least used platform however.
. Facebook keeps crashing my search when I'm looking on my phone but if you are on Facebook you want to look for a post on Knight Realms community talking about a build form.
Staff@knightrealms.com and Cards@knightrealms.com to get information!
(I'm about to start work myself)