Hello Everyone!
As we mentioned at the beginning of September, our timeline was pushed due to the Sparta Renaissance Faire so for November we do not have the Beta rulebook completed.
However, we have several large updates to implement in November and, by the end of December, we will still provide the timeline for future completion as promised!
After you’ve had time to review the rules we’d like to hear your thoughts. Please follow the link below to a form. You may answer these questions individually on the form or make a google doc to compile everything into and submit it in. If both of these options do not work for you, you may send an E-Mail to Staff@knightrealms.com with the subject ‘Rules Feedback’.
Change Log
The book has been organized a little differently, but is still a rough draft so you may notice some blank pages hiding in there. Edit: After a brief skim, this has made the rulebook look very unpolished, be kind.
Know that I am going to try and see if I can get a small team together later to help provide Travance a late Yule present <3 (If you’re comfortable with editing/formatting a google doc, you should message staff@knightrealms.com :) )
We were requested to move the combat chapter, particularly combat safety, to the forefront of the rulebook so players have a basic understanding of combat styles and safety before they deep dive into making a character.
Restricted Races
After some deliberation amongst various teams and staff, we have decided to restrict a handful of races to require OOG Staff Approval. This has also been updated on the World Anvil.
The current list of races requiring OOG Staff Approval is:
This decision was to alleviate some concerns raised by the community regarding heavy RP requirements to properly represent the creatures' initial vision.
Any future characters playing these races will require staff approval to play.
Current players of characters affected by this change will be reached out to before the November event by a Staff member to clear approval.
Additional races may be added to this list over time and we'll be keeping the world-anvil up to date.
Update: To clear any confusion, any species or race not on the World Anvil immediately requires approval.
Death System
The Death System has been updated and the general mechanics have been added to the rulebook for clarity’s sake. The chart itself is hidden for now as what can happen to you can be different from event to event and even vary on special encounters.
We will be utilizing this system during the November Event, but you may provide feedback on what you read in the rulebook ahead of time!
Rest System
We have narrowed down our options for the Rest system to two playstyles.
During November, we’ll be testing the first of these playstyles!
Your cards will refresh every 4 hours in line with the switch over of NPC shifts.
At any point during this period, you can take a short rest of 30 minutes to recover 20 tag skills. You can only benefit from one short rest per period.
Further details will be announced closer to the November event!
Upcoming Updates
We’re going to testing some things out with tracking charts come November and December game!
Keep an eye out on a poll for Summoning after the Harvest festival
Even if a trap has 5 consumables in it, you only need one melee defense? What happened to AOE defenses?
Also I'm a little confused on the wording for setting traps:
After 5 seconds setting the trap by laying string to represent the trigger, choose a Consumable Attack item or Trap Card, and any number of trap kits modules (p. ). The character may also at the end of the 5 seconds create a Trap Card.
Does this mean anyone who can lay traps can create trap cards to use later?
Are the trap kit modules also created by anyone who can lay traps or are those still rack exclusive?
The wording makes me think that I, a trap layer, can essentially build my own trap kit so long as I have individual trap modules on hand?
Is there no longer a limit to trap kit modules that can be added to a trap?
Re: Trap kits, now it's confusing as to how one makes trap modules. Can you please clarify?