Hello everyone I have a fairly large announcement for you. Tomorrow we will be locking the website forums and moving our In Game forums to this Discord. Over the past few years since we went to this new forum server there have been feature and bot issues that just continued to make us question why we were using forums anymore, especially with the Discord having in game channels for RP. The general reason was static posts so that announcements for events could live and be easily referenced. Since Discord has introduced it’s forum feature we’ve been rekindling the discussion of if we want and need separate forums when we could move everything to one location, and this weekend we are pulling the plug on that move.
Tomorrow the old forums will be locked, but still available for view, and the new Discord forums will be brought forward for everyone to use.
Regarding the website itself we will be using that as a more static page where Event information, the rules, policies, and other documentation will reside. We will also be adding an announcement section so all large announcements will have a spot for easy reference going forward.
Facebook will continue to operate the same as it currently is and at the moment have no plans to change anything there.
These forums will have a pinned post highlighting how the forums will work.
There will be timers put on posting frequency. There is a 15 minute timer for new posts, and a 5 minute timer on commenting on posts. If you want to have more immediate conversations we recommend using the in game rp channels instead.
You must attend 1 live game before posting. The forums and the in game RP channels act to enhance and enrich the live action experience. They do not exist to supplant it.
Because there are no ‘saved signatures’ again, we are all assuming you are who you are. If you have alts you will need to indicate somehow which character is posting (Nicknames are not acceptable as they will change when you change so you will need to remember to put an indicator for the character)
NPCs will not be able to read, write, or make posts without Officer/Director approval. They may, on those approved posts, respond to PCs. They will not respond to PCs on any other posts. This is so you can as characters create plans that allow other players to comment and join in without fear of NPCs responding and ruining those plans.
As with everything there will be hiccups along the way. Please be patient as we all adjust.